We are currently experiencing delays in our intake process, due to limited staffing. Intake for Building and Trade Contractor Services applications is currently 3 business days. We are working to improve wait times, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

Building and Trade Contractor Services (BTCS) provides building and trade permit-related services to general contractors, licensed trade contractors, and homeowners. Most BTCS requests can be submitted online by visiting the webpages listed here. 


men pointing at blueprints on a table with a hardhat

Contractor Registration & Licenses

General contractors, trade contractors, and homeowners acting as contractors must register with BTCS before obtaining a Building or Trade Permit. Visit this webpage to register as a general contractor and licensed trade contractor and to update your contractor registration.

Visit Contractor Registration

Family of four running through the door of a house

Homeowner's (Homestead) Permit

Homestead Permits allow homeowners who meet certain qualifications to perform Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing trade work for their own homes. Visit this webpage to find out if you qualify, to register as a contractor for the trade work, and to get the Homestead Trade Permit.

Visit Homeowner's Permit

woman working on wiring hanging out of a hole cut in the wall

Apply for a Stand-Alone Building or Trade Permit

Stand-alone Building or Trade Permit(s) may be issued for construction for commercial, multi-family, and single-family residential properties if the complete scope of work for the project qualifies. Visit this webpage to learn what qualifies for a stand-alone permit and how to apply.

Visit Stand-Alone Building or Trade Permit

man sitting in front of laptop with red background

Activate an Approved Building or Related Trade Permit

Once a Building Permit Application has been approved by Building Plan Review staff, the Building Permit and related Trade Permit(s) can be paid for and activated. Visit this webpage to activate the Permit(s) for the approved Building Permit Application.

Visit Activate Approved Permit

man looking wearing a hardhat standing in a concrete stairwell at a construction site

Modify an Existing Permit

Building or Trade Permits with an “Active” or “Expired” status can be modified by the property owner or the contractor listed on the permit. Visit this webpage to reactivate, withdraw, extend, change a contractor, change an address, or change the scope of work for an existing Building or Trade Permit.

Visit Modify a Permit

New furniture in empty office

Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO)

A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) may allow a property to be occupied, stocked, and/or furnished before issuing the final Certificate of Occupancy (CO). TCOs are available for both commercial and residential properties. Visit this webpage to request a TCO.

Visit Certificate of Occupancy

hard hat, piggy bank, paper money, calculator, pencil, reading glasses on table.

Escrow Accounts

A Development Services Department (DSD) Escrow Account can be established by depositing money in an account to pay ONLY for DSD building plan reviews, permitting, and inspection fees (does not include Site Plan fees). Visit this webpage to learn more about Escrow Accounts.

Visit Escrow Accounts

person handing a paper check to another person

Refund Requests

Development Services Department (DSD) offers partial refunds for certain types of active permits including Building (BP), Electrical (EP), Mechanical (MP), and Plumbing (PP). The refund request must meet certain requirements to qualify. Visit this webpage to learn more and to submit a refund request.

Visit Development Services Refunds 


 Appointments & Live Chat

 Make an Appointment:

Ask Building and Trade Contractor Services staff general questions about any of the services listed on this webpage. Appointments are not for submitting or processing requests for any of the listed services.

Expected Appointment Duration: 20 minutes 

Schedule Virtual AppointmentSchedule In Person AppointmentCita VirtualCita en persona


Live Chat:

Click the blue chat bubble in the lower-right corner of this page to chat with an agent regarding the following requests. Visit the About Development Services webpage to view chat hours.

  • Answer general questions. Depending on the question, an appointment may be recommended.
  • Update a registered trade license (not for a change in contractors)